Beachy Bouquet Acrylic Painting


Beachy Bouquet Painting

Bring the charm of coastal elegance into your home with this delightful Beachy Bouquet artwork, painted by Karen Wade on an 11x14" stretched canvas with acrylics. This serene piece features a vase of soft, blooming hydrangeas accompanied by a starfish and seashell, creating a perfect blend of floral and seaside beauty. The rustic sage green background adds a touch of vintage charm, making the composition both calming and sophisticated.

Ideal for lovers of beach-inspired décor, this painting is a wonderful way to infuse your space with the peaceful essence of the coast or to give as a thoughtful, nature-inspired gift.

Free shipping to the continental US.

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Beachy Bouquet Painting

Bring the charm of coastal elegance into your home with this delightful Beachy Bouquet artwork, painted by Karen Wade on an 11x14" stretched canvas with acrylics. This serene piece features a vase of soft, blooming hydrangeas accompanied by a starfish and seashell, creating a perfect blend of floral and seaside beauty. The rustic sage green background adds a touch of vintage charm, making the composition both calming and sophisticated.

Ideal for lovers of beach-inspired décor, this painting is a wonderful way to infuse your space with the peaceful essence of the coast or to give as a thoughtful, nature-inspired gift.

Free shipping to the continental US.

Beachy Bouquet Painting

Bring the charm of coastal elegance into your home with this delightful Beachy Bouquet artwork, painted by Karen Wade on an 11x14" stretched canvas with acrylics. This serene piece features a vase of soft, blooming hydrangeas accompanied by a starfish and seashell, creating a perfect blend of floral and seaside beauty. The rustic sage green background adds a touch of vintage charm, making the composition both calming and sophisticated.

Ideal for lovers of beach-inspired décor, this painting is a wonderful way to infuse your space with the peaceful essence of the coast or to give as a thoughtful, nature-inspired gift.

Free shipping to the continental US.

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